925 Sterling Sterling Silver Extra Quality Afghan KunziteRing
Zodiac Stone: Pisces & Taurus
Kunzite is a Stone of Emotion,openingand connecting the hearttothe mind and stimulating a healing communion between the two. Kunziteencouragesone to release walls built around the heart for protection and to be receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love.A stoneof romantic love, that is good for communication of love when you are nervous, as well as for healing heartaches. Kunzite is also a stoneof self-love, promoting humility and self-tolerance. It can strengthen the human energy field, clear the aura, and clear negative energy from a room or environment.
All our jewellery is made of925Sterling Silver, each piece is handmade and hand-picked one by one, so it will be like having a unique piece on you.
Please note that these are stock photos. Each gemstone will vary slightly in colour since they are all natural and unique!
Imperfections such as cracks, inclusions, or dark areas are also completely normal when a stone is cut and polished.